Our mission
We want to provide excellent remote veterinary services to all consumers.
The service we offer is:
easy to use
Founder of Veteva, Vet Eva
I graduated as a veterinarian in 2008 and I have since worked in small animal practice. I have extensive experience in veterinary medicine. I have been working a lot on emergency duty, policlinics as well as appointment practice in a number of different clinics. My work experience provides a solid foundation for my high-quality implementation of remote veterinary work. In the field of veterinary medicine, my interests are general medicine and surgery. My passion is telemedicine and eHealth, for which I want to create new standards and operating models to be able to guarantee quality telemedicine for animal patients.
I am the first vet globally to have completed a special qualification in eHealth. The qualification is officially acknowledged by all three Finnish medical associations: medical, dental and veterinary.
Olen maailman ainoa eläinlääkäri, jolle on myönnetty Terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan erityispätevyys, vaativa e-terveyden jatkokoulutus, jonka hyväksyvät sekä Suomen Lääkäriliitto, Hammaslääkäriliitto että Eläinlääkäriliitto.”
Vuonna 2023 Vetevassa työskentelee 22 eläinlääkäriä.
Eläinlääkärimme ovat pätevöityneet pieneläinlääkinnän saralla ja tiimimme eläinlääkäreiden yhteenlasketut työvuodet eläinlääkinnässä ovat yli 250 vuotta!

Our vision
- Provide the best possible service to pet owners
- Develop the televeterinary sector in a new and better direction
- Establish better standards and practices for telemedicine
- Make telemedicine effective and efficient
- Create policies that will enable excellent care
- Be the leading provider of telemedicine services